How beautiful indeed! I've always thought of Florence as a masterful songwriter but this record is musically and lyrically brilliant. I was expecting a lot after a 4 year wait and it did not disappoint. To be honest, I liked it so much that I'm going to review the bonus tracks too...
1. Ship To Wreck - This was the second single from the album so to be honest by the time the record was released I'd already overplayed this track quite a bit. Nonetheless, it's a brilliantly written song. As often, heavy imagery, metaphor and obviously Florence's effortlessly ethereal voice.
2. What Kind Of Man - I've already written a lot about this single here but now that I've heard it in the context of the record, I maintain that it isn't the best song on the album but that is definitely just because FATM are that good! This song is just a quality piece amongst diamonds.
3. How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful - Speaking of which - probably my current favourite on the album. This soaring, expanse-filling, captivating song is just all of my views on Florence rolled into one song. It has so many levels to it. I feel like it would've been a great album finisher but either way, whatever the track placement - it shines. The instruments take the lime-light on this song though, each part is so perfectly crafted. If the last couple of minutes don't make your mind swell; stop hearing and listen.
4. Queen Of Peace - Another stand out track in my opinion. Goodness, THE INSTRUMENTS ON THIS ALBUM ARE ON TOP FORM! This is a bit of an old school shout out, I totally hear some J Lo "Waiting For Tonight" and a liiiittle bit of Fleetwood. BIG tune! Definitely one that'll get you out of your seat and that chorus will be stuck in your head for some time.
5. Various Storms & Saints - The build in this song is so immersive, the first time I listened I didn't even realise it had happened until basically the end of the track. A welcome switch in the vibe of the album. This will receive various plays.
6. Delilah - Another upbeat jump in the album. The vocal range on this track, my goodness!! Florence is truly a marvel to behold.
7. Long & Lost - Yes! I'd been waiting for a haunting, ominous type of track. Again, the instrumental is like honey to my ears and actually the backing-vocals really caught my attention in this song. Barely there throughout but when they appeared they were inescapable.
8. Caught - To be honest, when I heard the "ooh ooh ooh's" in the beginning I wasn't sure that I was going to like this song but it definitely grows on you. The chorus is a big part of this track's enhancement in my opinion. Lyrically though, stellar.
9. Third Eye - Continuing with the "oohs", except this time I was really feeling it. The song just feels bigger, more anthemic. Definitely one that I can just imagine being majestic in arenas and festivals. Beautiful, beautiful song.
10. St Jude - Even though I'd heard this song before the album was released, for some reason it felt renewed in the context of the album. It just sounded clearer to me. I don't even know how to say this without sounding mad but the song sounded crisp. Stand out track for sure.
11. Mother - The guitars! The harmonies! The bass! THIS SONG! To be honest, this entire record. As far as huge choruses go, this album is full of them. The electronics at the end of this song just added to the 101 levels already demonstrated. This album is probably the most musically diverse out of the three in my opinion and this track was a brilliant note to end on.
12. Hiding (Bonus Track) - This had me bopping my head within the first 30 seconds, with barely enough time to realise that the actual album was over. Again Florence demonstrates her vocal acrobatics - great song.
13. Make Up Your Mind (Bonus Track) - Another great song! I thought that I would be able to at least say "ah I can see why this didn't make the final cut" but I honestly can't. Both bonus tracks reach the high standards of a final cut. This just leads me to again reiterate - Florence + The Machine are just that good!!!! Also, humungous shout out for her demo "Which Witch" because WOW!
This album has just cemented the fact that Florence has a voice with many, many stories to tell. I just hope she continues to take us along for the ride. I don't see this falling from the top of my "albums of 2015" list for a while.
Overall Rating - 9/10
album review
bonus tracks
fleetwood mac
florence + the machine
florence welch
how big how blue how beautiful
island records
j lo
new release
Album Review: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
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