On The Third Day Of Christmas...

Now we're officially into the top three and it's time to step up the game. Any album in the top three could have been number one, but after a lot of deliberation I finalised the numbers...

My third favourite album of the year was Holy Fire by Foals, and to think, this time last year I think I'd only just heard of Foals. Another band that I quickly became infatuated with. I heard their song "Inhaler" early December last year, and next thing I know, I've got all their albums, I've seen them twice and met them. That's all a little bit mad. Either way, back to the album...

After hearing about the release of this record  I was unbelievably stoked to get my hands on it. I don't really know what it was, there is just something about Foals that just draws you in. Any news to do with this album I found myself reading - I was just completely into them. By the time the album release date came around on the 11th of February I was queuing up early in the morning for the gig/album. Thinking back to it, I was a little bit more hyped about this album than I should have been but I wasn't too far off. An absolutely fantastic album beginning to end.

Each of the singles from this record - "My Number", "Late Night", "Bad Habit", etc.. - brought something new to the table without straying from good quality Indie music and they all came with an equally brilliant music video. To be honest if we were doing a list of best music videos of the year "Late Night" might just take the cake. Fabulous video. The album as a whole displays just how versatile Foals can really be, softer songs like "Moon" and "Stepson" really touching the listener, dance-y tracks like "Everytime" and "My Number" inevitably being summer hits and of course live crowd, pit-starters "Inhaler" and "Providence", giving you pretty much everything that you'd want from an album.

Happily one of the best albums I've heard all year I just think that because I was so excited about it initially, it meant that I was a little disappointed upon first listen. Either way, killer record - I look forward to their next...


Click here to see what album just made it into last year's top three.



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