I'd actually been meaning to check these guys out for a while but I just never got around to it. It wasn't until they started being mentioned so often that there was no way of escaping it really that I actually took some time to listen to their material. After hearing this I was ashamed that it took me this long...
ROYAL BLOOD - Out Of The Black
When I read that they were a duo I naively assumed that they were a guitar and drums match up but much to my (pleasant) surprise they're actually a drum and bass duo. A friend of mine had mentioned that there were quite a few new rhythms section duos popping up but I hadn't really caught wind of any until these two. "Out Of The Black" was the first song of theirs that I listened to and as you can see, it didn't disappoint - a heavy track with the leads vocals keeping it from sounding too gritty. I'm just really impressed by these guys, a lot of great things are coming from Brighton lately, I just hope that this continues.
Have a listen to more of their stuff on soundcloud and if you like what you hear, pick up tickets to see them live on their UK tour here.
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