Penultimate month of the year and in the build up to all of the definitive "Album of the Year" lists that will be dropping in the not too distant future, we have a few last minute entries into the running. It has been one of the most busy years for music that I've seen in a decade. I have a few standouts in my head already but there is an enormous amount of talent to choose from - including the following...
I'd not listened to an entire Vince Staples record before this year but after seeing him on stage with Gorillaz last year and catching his performance at Primavera Sound Festival this summer - I've vowed to do some more research. This album couldn't have come out at a more perfect time. Out officially today I will be listening in full and making up for lost time.
Jacob Banks has been one of my favourite UK male vocalists for a very long time now and the more I hear from him, the more excited I am about him. Even from his opening track on the album "Chainsmoking" the power in both his voice and his songwriting shine through clearly. The album dropped today and I'm only halfway through but I'm loving every minute. Well worth a listen.
His latest single "L.M.F" out last week reminded me a lot of his collaborative work on Sango's album earlier this year - In The Comfort Of. Smino has a very distinctive flow and I've only ever really heard it featured on other people's tracks. From Tobi Lou to Noname - Smino's input is distinctive. I didn't get to listen to the whole of blkswn so it'll be nice to listen to how he's developed when Noir comes out on the 8th of November.
After the devastating loss of their guitarist - Tom Searle - last year I wasn't 100% that we'd be hearing any new music from Architects. I definitely wasn't expecting anything out so soon. That said, every single that they have released since has been fantastic and in keeping with the tone that Tom's set on their previous records. Out on the 9th of November - they will be touring, and this will sound phenomenal live. A late entry but judging by what I've heard so far, this may very well slip into my Albums of the Year list.
I think I became too accustomed to hearing Imagine Dragons played on adverts and TV shows which meant that I got a little bit lazy when it came to checking in on their new material. So much so that I didn't even get round to listening to their previous album Evolve. Better late than never though and it'll be nice for me to hear how much/whether or not their sound has changed since "Radioactive" days. The album drops on the 9th of November.
Following up on Malibu Anderson .Paak is back with another album in the shape of Oxnard. His previous singles at the beginning of this year ("Til It's Over" and "Bubblin'") were both quite different from one another but each energetic and more than anything, memorable. The latest single "TINTS (feat. Kendrick Lamar)" similarly is an undeniable banger. I'm not sure whether either of the earlier singles will be on Oxnard but whether they make the cut or not, one thing's for sure is that this album is going to be one to remember. Keep your eyes peeled on the 16th of November.
It was a little bit quieter in Alessia's camp after she smashed through the Pop charts with "Here" 3 years ago. She's popped up here and there over the years but nothing she's done has sat on my mind until now. When I saw that Alessia was releasing a new album it wasn't until I caught the title The Pains of Growing, that something just resonated with me. I'll be interested to hear if there's a more mature sound in her material out on the 30th of November.
I must admit, I was very resistant to The 1975 - I placed them alongside Bastille in my column of artists and bands who've gotten way too much hype for the quality of music that they're producing. However, recently a few close friends have been trying to convince me of the error in my judgement so I've promised to go back and see whether or not to believe the hype. I suppose I'll know for sure on the 30th of November.
More music out this month to take into account also from the likes of Brainfeeder X, Mumford & Sons, Eric Lau, Mikky Ekko, cupcaKKe, Jacques Greene, and Little Mix, to name a few. The countdown to the end of the year is on. After this month I'll be starting my AOTY list - Top 30 again this year, maybe a few of these will make an appearance?
alessia cara
anderson .paak
brainfeeder X
eric lau
imagine dragons
jacob banks
jacques greene
little mix
mikky ekko
mumford and sons
the 1975
vince staples
Albums Out This Month...
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