Song Of The Day

This is the second single from their album and both have now officially made it onto my "SOTD" list. I'm ashamed to say that I still don't have the album,but it's a problem that I'll rectify very very soon. Until then, unless you've already guessed, here's today's SOTD....

WILD BEASTS - A Simple Beautiful Truth

I love that more non-pop bands are whipping out dance routines in music videos, even though it's evident that they are not the best dancers, I think that makes me enjoy it all the more. The ending of this video around the multi-coloured umbrella feels a little bit "Reflektor-ish" to me. Lovely video though. Since it came out yesterday, it's just been stuck in my head - very catchy song, and Hayden's voice just has a way of sticking in my mind. Might just have to get an album review up of this when I get it, instead of using all of the tracks as SOTDs. 

Check out the last Wild Beasts SOTD here.

PS: In fairness, this SOTD was closely contested by Shakira's new track here.



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