Neck Deep have really honed in on their sound and their talent with this album. Their previous two albums have both been great and each has built on what the last had to offer; this album is no different. The Peace And The Panic is my favourite of the three and the kind of album that I've been waiting for them to make since I first discovered them.
Aside from the production being near perfect on this, the lyricism is engaging and meaningful and even the more commercial tracks hit hard. I haven't been able to say all of that about many pop punk albums these past couple of years - sure there have been some good'uns but it is so easy to get caught up in the instrumentals, the key changes and I guess the "mosh-ability" of a track, without actually checking to see whether it's actually great quality or if it's just catchy and generic. Pop punk is not an easy thing to make well and too many bands are forgetting this and spewing out cookie cutter riffs and lyrics because it's worked before. Anyway, I digress - Neck Deep have worked hard on this record and it's obvious.
A quick word on some of my favourites on the album. The riff on "Happy Judgement Day" is most definitely high up in my top five riffs of the year. So catchy. "In Bloom" might just be one of my favourite songs of this yer to be very honest. Well you guys already know how much I love Architects so seeing Sam featured on "Don't Wait" caught my attention straight away. The combination works so well on this! It's a little heavier than the rest of the album but still true to the band and Sam's voice just first like a glove. I'd pay very good money to see these two bands tour together. Finally the lyrics on "19 Seventy Sumthin'" really stuck with me after the first listen. I actually stopped what I was doing at the time to listen more closely - very well written song.
Check out last year's number eight album choice here.
albums of the year
neck deep
pop punk
sam carter
the peace and the panic
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top albums of 2017
uk pop punk
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