I do intend to put out a post catching up on the music news that I missed during the "Seven Days Of Christmas" series but I have to write this one first because this new discovery has stuck with me ever since watching them play on the 22nd.
Last week, I went actually went to see Fallow Fields (whom I wrote about here) play at The White Lion pub in Watford. Their set was awesome, in spite of the mic difficulties they still managed to deliver a really good set. The crowd all seemed to enjoy them and I know that I was impressed - I look forward to hearing more material from them. But I digress, back to the new discovery... Kid Cosmic were headlining the very same gig and the band's drummer just so happened to be the lead singer of Fallow Fields' brother!
If you're still with me, before Kid Cosmic started playing I had no idea what to expect from them. The only thing I really knew about them was that they were already broken up and so I didn't really expect to follow up on them much after. I was wrong. About 30 seconds in, my mouth was wide open in amazement. For a band who hadn't practised together much or performed together for about year, the trio were so tight. Each stop and each little embellishment was perfectly executed. Also, possibly THE best drummer that I've seen live all year, my goodness, I was in shock! To see a band of professional standard play a gig for free in an 100(ish) person capacity venue - what a dream.
As expected, I couldn't find much of the band's material online and they don't have any videos up on YouTube but I did manage to track down their bandcamp where you can actually get a free download of their album here. I'm sad that I didn't know about them whilst they were still together but I do feel pretty privileged to have seen them perform at this reunion gig. Definitely not a band that you should overlook if you're a fan of pop rock.

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