After seeing Superfood perform here at Notting Hill Arts Club last month it has really cemented my liking for them as a band and actually managed to get me excited to hear their debut album. Originally I wasn't too keen on their recorded material but seeing it live has made me hear it I guess a different way. One track that especially stood out for me after seeing them is now their latest single...
I love the bass on this track - so simple yet so funky. In fact, everything about this song is fantastic. I'd like to think that if I ever played all the parts on a song myself it would sound like this song. Every instrument is doing exactly what I want it to. This will be a great debut, and of course I'm hoping for more performances like this. This single will be played quite a lot on BBC Radio 1 over the coming weeks so it should be enough to tide fans over until the release of their debut.
debut album
mood bomb
new single
notting hill arts club
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