Another week, another set of new music to listen to. Here's what you might have missed last week, and here's what you can expect to get your hands on over the next few days...
It feels like it's been a while since I heard anything from Jessie J really. I know it actually hasn't as she's had a few cool collaborations here and there but I haven't heard any hit singles from her single her debut album Who You Are. She's pretty different from how she was then so I'm interested to see how this affects the album. Out today - the 13th of October.
Mr. Bloc Party himself stepping out with some solo sounds for the winter months. I think that the thing that I like most about Kele's solo material is that it doesn't fall into the pitfall that lead vocalists often come across where their solo material just sounds like another album by the band that they're in. Judging by his recent single "Doubt" he's managed to avoid this pretty well. Also dropping today - The 13th of October.
Well it must be the week of the Jessie's really - Jessie J and Jessie Ware releasing an album on the same day (the 13th of October)! I know that the two will most likely contrast majorly and to be honest I can't actually predict which I'll enjoy more right now - I didn't really dig Jessie Ware's first record but her new material sounded good and I liked Jessie J's first album but her recent stuff is a bit vanilla. Both records will be interesting listens to say the least.
Another lead singer branching off on a side project when in all truthfulness all I want is new Strokes music! I'm not very excited for this album if I'm honest. The latest single "Where No Eagles Fly" was fine but it didn't do much for me and I've maybe listened to it only once or twice since then. However, today might be the day that I eat my words.
albums out this week
bloc party
jessie j
jessie ware
julian casablancas
kele okereke
the strokes
the voidz
Albums Out This Week...
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