Finally coming to the end of what has been an absolutely huge month for music and here are a few of the albums that you have lined up for you in these last 7 days...
Feels like aaaaaages since Mallory Knox put out an album after their awesome debut - Signals. But the time is finally here! I hope that this album is equally as huge. Judging by the single "Shout At The Moon" they released earlier this year, it definitely has the potential to be. Find out for yourself on the 27th of October.
I was debating even writing about this one because of how much I dislike Taylor Swift BUT as much as it physically pains me to admit - some of her songs are really catchy. I probably won't listen to her album on the 27th of October but I doubt I'll be able to get away from it in the mainstream so might as well embrace it in advance.
Since their debut EP "How Long Will You Wander?" it's been track after track after beautiful cover and finally we have another EP to celebrate with! The title track that they released this month here was huge, and I'm expecting even bigger things from the EP itself. Pre-order it now or grab it on the 1st of November.
albums out this week
carry me EP
mallory knox
taylor swift
wayward daughter
Albums Out This Week...
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