So I think it's safe to say that this year is going to be a slow one for BLOG(comma)MUSIC as I've been travelling and working since July but I will definitely continue to blog. Of course once October hits, post will be back to their normal regularity so please bear with me until then!
Whilst I've been a bit quiet, up and coming artists around the world most certainly haven't! I've received quite a few email submissions from new musicians so I thought I'd start posting on everything that I receive, whether I enjoyed it or not - one of you out there just might!
I must admit, I sometimes worry with email submissions because I've definitely received a few strange pieces in the past but this was a very pleasant surprise. The track "All I Wanted" is really smooth - the beat sounds very Tom Misch-esque using soulful saxophone tones and dreamy guitar riffs. see.francis' flow is the perfect accompaniment too - not too overbaring and lyrically sound. Check him out on facebook, twitter, soundcloud or his website.
As opposed to see.francis, Jenness' flow does not appeal to me in any way, shape or form. In my opinion when he raps he sounds like he's trying really hard to rap along to karaoke lyrics, and I feel like the production didn't help him much in this instance. However, I do like the instrumental on the track "Leap Year", if somebody were to take the instrumental and give it to a pop singer like Meghan Trainor (as much as I don't appreciate her music), I could see this charting.
Not my cup of tea BUT again I dig the instrumental on the first of the two tracks I was sent ("Stronger"). The second of the two tracks "Dirge" is somewhat reminiscent of Bonobo or Taylor McFerrin's work. I love their material but for me it feels like pieces are missing in Terracotta Blue's music. Chilled out electronic music will always have a place in my heart but
for some reason I don't see myself revisiting these tracks. I'll be interested to see whether what he puts out next is able to capture my attention a little more.
From what I can tell from their track "Tall Flowers", Send Medicine really cover a wide range of genres in their music - getting a lot of folk, psych, surfer rock vibes from this track alone and whilst listening at least 5 different artists came to mind. More than any of those names though, Junip was front of mind. Well, I love Junip and after second listen, I like this track too. I look forward to what comes next.
Nothing about the track "Uber" stuck out to me or excited me. I can't see this being used as anything more than a backing track to a vine or snapchat clip. However, if you are big on trap music you might have a little more insight than me - that said, I listen to a lot of trap, this just did not do it for me in the slightest. A big factor in making a good trap song is a great beat and this is lacking. Each to their own, but give it a listen.
After watching their video for "A Time Imagination Forgot To Inspire" I feel like they've definitely got a lot of polishing to do as a band but they're not terrible. I like portions of the song (the chorus in particular) and the riff is cool but the lead definitely needs to work on his scream and the lyrics could've used a bit of tweaking. However, if they keep working at it, there could definitely be something here.
I really like their new track "Pedestal" and I must admit that I was a little bit shocked to find that they have such a small internet following. The track does sound like a "typical busking song" I suppose but I like the lyrics, the guitars and the vocals so I find no reason to fault it on that. Seeing as they have such a small presence, it'l be interesting to see how they continue to grow as a band.
cold summer
dog boy sho
email submissions
new music
send medicine
taylor mcferrin
terracotta blue
tom misch
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