First things first, apologies! You might have noticed that I haven't updated the blog in quite a few months and if you don't already follow along on Instagram and/or Twitter, then you won't know that it's because I'm coming to the final stages of my degree and so have been busy with coursework, exams, etc... But there is some good news!!
Despite the blog posts being few and far between, I haven't been completely dormant these past few months. I'm in the middle of working on a blog rebrand, so finally a change of background (I know, I know), finally a new logo, and all that good stuff! With a fresh start I want to start with fresh posts so leading up to the rebrand, I'll get those belated gig reviews up and a couple of other things that I've had opinions about over the past few weeks, before coming in with new gig reviews, festival reviews (because Lord knows the line-ups this year are absolutely mindboggling and I just couldn't stay away!), some new features and a few other new surprises before the year comes to an end.
Thanks to those who've been bearing with me. University should be done and dusted by the end of next month so all I'll say is watch this space until then!
festival review
final year
gig reviews
public service announcement
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