Happy October folks! It's been an incredibly busy summer and now that we've made it to October I can comfortably say that we're finally edging into autumn weather. Along with a new season and a new month; comes new music. I've had a scout through the interwebs and found some gems I'd like to start the month with...
QUIÑ - Sticky Situation (feat. SYD)
Not the newest track itself but a newbie for me - a new song and a new artist. After finding the new EP Dreamgirl on Spotify, I think that "Sticky Situation" is the track that will most likely get the most repeats this month. Also, of course, Syd's voice is also always a sure fire way to elevate a song.
BANKS - Underdog
Now I've heard a lot of mixed things about Banks over the past few years and if I'm honest, the bad ones did carry a little more weight than they should've and I haven't paid too much attention to her album progress but this song is a banger. "Underdog" was a pleasant surprise for me and I'd like to take this month to build a fresh opinion on Banks - starting with this song.
CAN'T SWIM - God Awful
Another very pleasant surprise - after their great debut album earlier this year, I wasn't expecting any more music from them before 2018, but here we are. A new single from Can't Swim that could've easily been a strong addition to the debut but works just as well as a standalone track. I'm hoping to see more big things from this band, October and beyond, because "God Awful" is anything but.
The Young Hearts are another new discovery for me recommended to me via email. After opening up the EP Honestly, I'm Just Thinking in Spotify and listening to the first 30 seconds of "Bloom" I could hear the potential, and after the last 30 seconds I was looking up their gigging schedule.
WOLF ALICE - Heavenward
An amazing live band but since their debut I've not been the most excited to hear any new studio recordings. I may have built up my expectations for the debut a bit too much after seeing them live in 2013; so now returning with a fresh pair of ears, I think I can appreciate this new one better."Heavenward" is a great stepping stone for me because not only is it a solid song, it gives me the best of what I saw in them live.
MOSES SUMNEY - Don't Bother Calling
I slightly new discovery this year for me but it seems that I haven't missed too much as this awesome track "Don't Bother Calling", comes from his debut album Aromanticism. I reckon the more I listen to this album, the more I'll enjoy it. For now, this song definitely stood out to me and the concepts surrounding it catch my attention even more.
ZAK ABEL - The River
I feel like I've been waiting for this album to drop for an age now! I need Zak's voice for a minimum of 10-12 tracks asap. "The River" came just in time for me to hold out for one more week. I'm hoping this will be one of my standout albums of the next 30 days, with some silky guitars and soulful vocals.
The basslines on this album are to die for. Although this is my favourite song from the album, it's not an easy choice at all. Even the first track "Eye To Eye" rips the blanket right from underneath you with its silky transitions. I think the opening strings on "Goodbyes" just win the song for me. Already on the verge of overplaying this one but I can't stop.
IBEYI - Deathless (feat. Kamasi Washington)
Two artists that I've really been appreciating over the year, together in one special track. Ibeyi's new album Ash is just as layered and thought provoking as imagined with so many intricate little details that open it up to new discoveries with each listen. "Deathless" displays that perfectly. Keep your eyes on this one for this year's "top 50 ___" lists.
That's just a few of the tracks I have on my recently played for this week and for the month going forward. Keep an eye out for a Spotify playlist with these tracks and more, to be announced via my Instagram. And for your information...
can't swim
debut records
jordan rakei
kamasi washington
mean girls
moses sumney
new discoveries
new month
new music
the young hearts
wolf alice
zak abel
New Month. New Tunes.
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