Ray BLK. I feel like I've waited a long time to see her get all the credit that she's due and if I'm honest - particularly after seeing this latest video - I'm still waiting. Ray's voice, whilst smooth and silky, is still one of the most recognisable voices in the mainstream at the moment. Managing to break away from what is currently a very "same-same-but-different" radio time period. Even after winning BBC Sound Of in 2017, I still don't think we're quite hearing just how good she is.
Firstly, Ray BLK has not put out one bad or even mediocre video since she's started releasing, and sad to say it but this is definitely something to be acknowledged right now. Director Tom Green has one very well with this. Following the recent spike in street-violence around the UK (London in particular), the premise of this song comes at a necessary and relevant time. Green depicts the message of "Run Run" in a way that left scenes embedded in my head for days - the closing scene specifically. As a song, I'd say it's a bit instrumentally simple but it clearly relies on the words and the vocals to lift it up. I'm really looking forward to this new album. It will be a mixed bag but the standout tracks will hold a lasting shine no doubt. Ray BLK will be playing the o2 Forum in London on the 3rd of October - if what we've seen so far is anything to go by; it will be a show to remember.
I LOVE this song, LOVE the video and LOVE your piece about it all.