One of the most listenable artists to come out of the UK music scene, he's almost impossible to hate. In at number 9 with his latest release Geography is British beatmaker Tom Misch.
Tom Misch has soundtracked several moments in my life and so when he released this album in April to say that it took over the entire next few months would be an understatement. I listened to that album almost every single day for two months. Generally speaking, the Tom Misch album treatment seems fairly simple, and nothing about his beats is really that technically intricate. However, what he does do well is strike a chord with the listener that lifts your spirit in every single song.
The songs that shine most for me at the moment are "Lost in Paris (feat. Goldlink)", "South Of The River", "Tick Tock", "Disco Yes (feat. Poppy Ajudha)" and "Water Baby (feat. Loyle Carner)". What's interesting about Tom's sound, and which rings true even for the songs listed above, is it's welcome underneath any coffee-house or hotel foyer din but also raises the eyebrows and gets the feet tapping of anybody listening. Tom's take on lo-fi jazzy beats is modest but memorable and it's his understated confidence that wins him fans across the board. After catching him live at Primavera Sound Festival this year it only cemented my love for his summery sound and added a whole host of new memories soundtracked by Tom Misch.
As a debut full album release Geography is a safe but satisfying body of work. I'd definitely like to see Tom explore more with the next release and tap into more adventurous features and instrumentals but for now this album has done more than enough.
Have a look at last year's number nine album here.
album of the year
de la soul
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loyle carner
number 9
poppy ajudha
tom misch
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