On The Second Day Of Christmas...

THE hardest choice to make about the albums of the year. If I'm completely honest this album was my number one until I started writing this and changed my mind.

The album that I've chosen as the second best album of 2013 is Silence Yourself by Savages. This makes it my fourth debut album to make it into my top seven list and what a debut it was! I was intrigued by this record after the first 10 seconds and after the 50 second mark I was in love. The opening riff to this album on the song "Shut Up" told me how I was going to feel about the rest of the album if I'm honest. Savages seem to have pretty much mastered the craft and on their just debut release.

The first song that I heard from this album was "Husbands" and the thing that stuck with me after listening to the track was the amount that they repeated the word actual word 'husbands', it was entertaining but confusing. Then after actually getting the album I realised that this repetition happened in quite a few of their songs. Luckily I recently read this in an interview "this idea that repetition can become a form of exorcism and that you can learn more about yourself through it. If you repeat a word over and over again, that incantation starts to take on a new meaning. Obviously, when you apply that to the music, it kinda starts to affect everything around you, too". Since finding out about them Savages have continued to just do and say things that impress me, this being one of them. You can tell that they all really care about the craft, the actual music that they produce and the effect that it has on their listeners. Although some may say that they come across as very serious and closed off, I find it pretty endearing.

Some of my favourite tracks from the album are "Shut Up", "She Will", "City's Full" and "I Am Here". Each of these tracks is a sight to behold live if I'm honest... Savages are one of the best bands that I've seen this year.

File:Savages - Silence Yourself.jpg 

Check out what album got pipped at the post last year here.



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