Bringing us in on Christmas Day with her musical mastery is the futuristic forward thinker, Janelle MonĂ¡e. In at number 6 we have Grammy nominated album, Dirty Computer.
The first eight songs on this album flow so fantastically. That silky transition from "Screwed (feat. ZoĂ« Kravitz)" into "Django Jane" still brings a smile to my face when I listen to it. Alongside those two tracks my favourites on the album right now are "Take A Byte", "Make Me Feel", and "I Like That". This is the most different Janelle MonĂ¡e album across the board. Earlier this year I wrote about how although this is without a doubt a fantastic Janelle album, this isn't her best. She's still thinking a step ahead but she's almost caught up with herself here. Despite that, she's just so good and is without a doubt one of my favourite performers this decade.
The visuals in this album's eMotion picture are phenomenal. They really set the album apart from any other release this year. After extending her acting career over the past couple of years, she's brought some of those theatrics to her own musings. Janelle's never had any trouble gripping viewers with her over-the-top and stunning visuals and after watching this album, it's clear that she's definitely honed in that talent. Still in keeping with a recurring Janelle theme of performing albums in acts or suites, the album breaks into three distinct and memorable acts. The visual helps to piece together the thoughts on what might have otherwise been a bit of a muddled mix of wonderings.
I've been in awe of Janelle MonĂ¡e ever since 2008 when my friend played me "Sincerely, Jane" on her phone at school, and continue to be in awe of her still. Everything that she's released since has been ahead of the game and a cut above. Now that the world has begun to catch on, it's a pleasure to see her true self and the message of equality that she's been preaching for years now, genuinely appreciated for their brilliance.
Check out the Christmas miracle that I picked as number 6 last year here.
album of the year
dirty computer
janelle monae
list week
number 6
the electric lady
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