This album opens with one of my most played songs of the year and closes with one of my favourite duets of the year. Floating in at number 13 is Sydney-based Tonight Alive with their latest album Underworld.
Unfortunately there hasn't been as much Rock music in my library this year and I'm still not completely sure as to why. However, quality over quantity and in this case, quality's definitely won out. I've had some back and forth with Tonight Alive over the past 6 years as both a fan and a critic, but this album has firmly cemented my love for them.
I remember listening to their single "Disappear (feat. Lynn Gunn)" for the first time on BBC Radio 1, in the car somewhere and I can't tell you how my face lit up as the opening riffs rang out. After being disappointed with their last record Limitless, hearing this single made me so hopeful for the Tonight Alive that I absolutely adored back in 2013. Another top play for me this year, hearing Lynn and Jenna duet together kicked goals that I didn't even know I was holding onto. This is easily one of my favourite moments on the album and this comes alongside so many others. "Book Of Love", "The Other", "Just For Now" and "Waiting For The End" stand out the most to me right now but with every listen something new jumps out that makes me smile.
I have to tip my hat to Dave Petrovic of course. After his work producing The Other Side in 2013, and now putting his hand to Underworld; I'd say that it's no coincidence that I love this album just as much. Jenna's found a way to tug at my heartstrings at least once on every album they've released and this one is no different. Lyrically they are able to articulate simple young adult sadness in the most relatable ways. Although there's a weight to this album, every time I listen through and belt it out I know I'll be smiling inside and out.
Have a look at the album that took the lucky number 13 spot last year here.
album of the year
album review
corey taylor
jenna mcdougall
list week
lynn gunn
number 13
pop punk
pop rock
tonight alive
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