We're into the Top 3 with a band that I've supported since this blog's inception. It's been a tumultuous couple of years in the world of this band, and we've seen them build and change in front of and alongside their fans in a way that's never been so poignant. Now dropping in at number three is Architects with the magnificent Holy Hell.
In the wake of Tom's passing last year the band and fans alike were utterly devastated, and if I'm honest, I was steeling myself for the news that they wouldn't be continuing on without him. However, when they announced that they would be releasing new music, I wasn't sure what to expect but I was excited. Watching their film - Holy Ghost - about the making of this album was difficult but definitely shed some light and confirmed a few assumptions I'd already made about how things were playing out behind the scenes. Tom's role in the band was always a big one but it was suddenly very clear just how big; like realising just how deep the water you're in is. Architects have taken that pressure and swam with it, being sure to keep Tom's input and influence at the forefront of their music, whilst also being sure that each of their parts swelled and broke with emotion around it.
My favourite tracks on the album at the moment are "Death Is Not Defeat", "Holy Hell", "Royal Beggars", and "Modern Misery". Architects have tried to articulate their feelings of processing and 'dealing with' pain on this record. The struggle and effort that come part and parcel with this are something that they don't try to shy away from at all. Rather, they identify it and use it to spur them on, which only makes you appreciate this album more.
If there's anything to critique I would note that the strings could use a bit more thought where they appear and could add a more theatrical moment to it. However, this realisation only came to me after a few listens. All in all, the album ebbs and flows in a way that takes the listener on a journey of grief, sure. However, it's the charging voice of Sam Carter that steals the show for me on this. It's more melodic than their past projects but somehow the vocals hit harder in pockets than they have previously. This is a huge album and a beautiful tribute.
Here's a look at the album that ushered in my Top 3 last year.
album of the year
holy ghost
holy hell
list week
tom searle
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top 3
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