I've already posted about at least 5 new music videos in just the past couple weeks, and now TWO MORE videos have just landed in my lap earlier today! I know that there are already loads of new albums coming out but my goodness! May is the month of new videos! The first new video I watched today was this...

Petite Noir - Noirse

Petite Noir's beats have kind of an SBTRKT vibe about them, but his voice is nothing like Aaron Jerome's. Sometimes that's a good thing and at others it's not great. This is one of those times when it's not great. His voice sounds bad but something about this song is pretty endearing. The video is one of those standard "boy-meets-girl-and-they-do-entertaining-cute-stuff" kind of videos. It's not awesome but it's definitely not bad. I look forward to hearing more from him.

The second video I watched today has gotten me stupidly excited for this band's new album...

Queens Of The Stone Age - My God Is The Sun

Now, this video is a continuation from their previous single "I Appear Missing" which has an equally, if not more, chilling and dark feel to it than this. Both of these videos in my opinion are absolute gems. So captivating and just interesting. Although they obviously tell a story when put together, I'm pretty sure nobody listening/watching (bar the band) knows what is actually going on or what it all represents. I like that. Also, this song is just freaking awesome. I am way too stoked for this album to come out next month. Destined to melt some faces.



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